We’re relaunching wellbeing classes

News and Blog

This week is Hospice Care Week, where we recognise and celebrate hospice care nationwide. It’s an opportunity to show the world the value of support, of care and of what matters to us as individuals at the end of life when we need it most. It’s the perfect time to share that following a break due to the pandemic, we’re thrilled to relaunch some of our expert wellbeing services.

To help people under our care to live as well as they can for as long as they can, we’ve re-started seated exercise and guided meditation classes.

Supported by our Therapy Team, our weekly exercise class runs through gentle seated movements to help people to remain mobile. It also gives them a chance to socialise with others in a similar situation.

Meena cares for her husband Dilip and they both attended St Catherine’s exercise classes.

Meena said, “I joined in with the class alongside Dilip who always felt much better after the exercise.”

It was the couple’s first time at the hospice, but Meena added, “The hospitality St Catherine’s offers is the best! We were always welcomed so nicely, and it made us feel part of the system.”

Peregrine enjoyed coming to the classes after exercising with our hospice online because of the pandemic.

“I had been able to attend the hospice’s exercise routine daily online for a total of 9 months. I was even able to continue exercising on my son’s balcony in the Cayman Islands during a 3 month stay!

I cannot overstate the importance of the exercises in my recovery from extensive surgery and chemotherapy.

I can’t stand for long, so the sitting exercises were ideal. It was very nice to meet others in person after seeing them remotely and to get support from the hospice team. The atmosphere at St Catherine’s was so caring.”

Mary found the classes helped her when she was struggling with muscular pain.

The standing exercises, like standing from a seat, were the ones I needed and were very good. Being amongst other people helped motivate me and the staff were brilliant. They were helpful, friendly, and chatty and at the end of each class they’d bring us a cup of tea and slice of cake.

The fact that we could come along for free, thanks to people’s support, was amazing. It was all very positive.”

John also attended and described St Catherine’s classes as “the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

Doing the exercises was just what I needed, and the support I’ve received has been tremendous after I lost my wife of 60 years,” John explained.

“I can’t praise the staff enough. They’re wonderful and the care they’ve supplied is incredible. It’s done so much good for me.”

We’ve also re-introduced weekly guided meditation at the hospice and online led by volunteer, Graham. These sessions help people to focus their mind and senses on a place where they can feel safe, peaceful and calm.

Dilip and Meena also attend our guided meditation classes. Meena said,

“As a 24/7 carer, housewife and mother I never have 45 minutes to myself to sit down so I find the meditation extremely peaceful. Dilip loves it too. The services at the hospice have been fantastic, much better than I was expecting.”

If you are under our care and would like to find out more about being referred for wellbeing sessions visit our wellbeing pages or contact wellbeing@stch.org.uk. Alternatively, if you would like to donate to support more local people to access expert care please visit our donation page or call 01293 447361.